GM2-T Series Dome-bias Fully-Automatic Touch Screen Manifold Systems
GM2-T Series dome-bias fully-automatic touch screen manifold systems is designed to provide an uninterrupted gas
supply without any manual adjustments. This system automatically switches over when the primary cylinder bank
is depleted. Even in case of a power failure, the system continues to supply gas without interruption. The system is
designed to meet the latest edition of NFPA 99 and CGA standards.
Fully enclosed, dust-proof metal cabinet
Automatic Switchover when pressure is below preset limit
Touch Screen LCD Display for easy control and monitoring
Automatically generated alarm table
Built-in network connection, can be integrated to the network
system for real-time monitoring with RS-485 or ethernet cable
Suitable for high flow system; rated for 120 m3/h (4200 SCFH)* to
170m3/h (6000 SCFH)**