880VS Series Venturi Suction Regulator
880VS Series Venturi Suction Regulator
2” gauge, easy to read
Positive pressure relief valve provides safe use
Easy adjustment of vacuum pressure
GENTEC® provides a wide range of fittings to meet customers' needs
None: Without adapter
Delivers steady and high vacuum flow from a medical air or oxygen gas source
Ordering Information
Ex: 880VS
- 760
Measuring Range
- 00
Oxygen / Air Connection
- A
Driving Gas
- T
Suction Connection
760: 0~760 mmHg
00: No adapter, 1/8” NPT (F)
OH: Ohmeda® adapter (male)
DH: DISS Hand-Tight adapter (male)
DS: DISS Hex adapter (male)
CH: Chemetron® adapter (male)
PB: Puritan-Bennett® adapter (male)
FS: French (NF S 90-116) adapter (male)
GS: German (DIN 13260-2) adapter (male)
BS: British (BS5682-1998) adapter (male)
JIS: Japanese Style adapter (male)
SIS: Australian (AS2896) adapter (male)
OE: Oxyquip air adapter
A: Medical Air
O: Oxygen
00: No adapter, 1/8” NPT (F)
T: With suction trap assembly (complete)
TD: With suction trap
(complete DISS female nut)
TH: With suction trap
(complete DISS female vacuum hand-tight)
H: With tubing nipple (5/16” hose barb)
D: With DISS male vacuum
N: With NIST adapter
F: With trap fitting only (no trap)

